Pearls: Annemarie Schwarzenbach

But the magic of travel, the mystery of names which only now fill up with matter and life, the coming-true of a dream, the rapture of discovery! That a city whose name you have read on a map exists in today’s reality, rearing out of the evening mist with churches and portals, that you drive through the hot interior for days and then reach the wind-lashed coast and the sea in its serenity and foam-capped blue!

Further reading
Ravaged angel
Three shows
Where have all the Flowers gone?
Strange Flowers guide to Berlin: part 4
Schwarzenbach in English
Annemarie Schwarzenbach | The South, 1937
A life spent searching


  1. What a treat, to wake up to this, Pure,poetic utterance of the first order…grazzi signore!!!

  2. Pingback: Circles: Erika and Klaus Mann « Strange Flowers

  3. Pingback: Dress-down Friday: Annemarie Schwarzenbach | Strange Flowers

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