Posts Tagged: Pablo Picasso

Dress-down Friday: Étienne de Beaumont (and guests)

This is a largely context-free gawp at Beaumont’s famous balls and the guests who loved them, a celebration of fancy dress and just plain dressin’ fancy…

Dress-down Friday: Étienne de Beaumont (and guests)

This is a largely context-free gawp at Beaumont’s famous balls and the guests who loved them, a celebration of fancy dress and just plain dressin’ fancy…

El hombre elefante

Dorothea Tanning was witness to some of Oscar Dominguez’s most offensive behaviour, including a memorable amuse-bouche he dished up during a dinner party: “rising and opening his fly, he had taken out its shy but immense occupant and laid it on his dinner plate”.

El hombre elefante

Dorothea Tanning was witness to some of Oscar Dominguez’s most offensive behaviour, including a memorable amuse-bouche he dished up during a dinner party: “rising and opening his fly, he had taken out its shy but immense occupant and laid it on his dinner plate”.

Dress-down Friday: Bibi-la-Purée

Footnotes to cultural history don’t get much more footnote-y than Bibi-la-Purée. He is mentioned in the French edition of James Joyce’s Ulysses, was painted by Pablo Picasso, haunts the margins of Paul Verlaine’s life and has walk-on parts in numerous accounts of bohemian Paris.

Dress-down Friday: Bibi-la-Purée

Footnotes to cultural history don’t get much more footnote-y than Bibi-la-Purée. He is mentioned in the French edition of James Joyce’s Ulysses, was painted by Pablo Picasso, haunts the margins of Paul Verlaine’s life and has walk-on parts in numerous accounts of bohemian Paris.